The last post was on the month of April. It had been quite sometimes and i hadn't had anytime or any form of inspiration to talk about. Seemed to me, i'd be sharing some moments of mine here.
This is like my blog's resurrection after being away from the brain's momentum. I had been juggling with work and time - considering that i had to spare some times to balance between work and relationships with the people i love the most. I thought i was able to cope with it but just recently i had the worst week and count myself "lucky".
A week of food poisoning but yet was able to go to work (i could barely endure it no more). My reputation at work drastically went down and i became the center of everyone's conversation. It worries me a lot because it affected me and i was afraid it would affect pops' reputation as a father and a colleague of mine. I understand the line after being drawn in the work environment but no matter what, i had never been to a work place where most people took me in so lightly and assumed that my age was younger then being expected - of which in general - people tend to see youth/young adults working full time and making too many mistakes seemed too vulnerable to them. They thought that people such like us (youngsters) needed more time and experience to be able to cope with the workload.
Honestly, that's full of craps. I've been working since i was very young and my work experience should have been more then being assumed by most people in general. Thus to further exaggerate more in this issue, I had been attached with a local tourist attraction company for almost 6 months but yet it was fine working there. Where i am right now is the complete opposite..
Enough said but i'd just focus more on attending to my own work rather to be so involved in office drama.
Work had been tough but so far my relationship with Taufiq had been going just fine. Even though we might had our bad times together but we managed to pull through with negotiation and compromising with one another - the give and take action (every relationship should be like that).
We might had complications here and there but we were determined that our main objective shouldn't be about separation and this was what we taught to ourselves. Apart from trying to really get to know one another - the fact that we knew one another for almost 9 years and counting, it had been a little bit different for our 'almost' 1 year anniversary relationship. Yes! We are still trying to get to know each other way much more better.
Families - we still need PLENTY MORE TIME especially for Taufiq's side of the family. Yikes! It's scary but this matter can still be tamed - hopefully.
What matters to me the most right now is having him and loving him unconditionally. I had never been into a long relationship with someone before and i never knew i would find someone like him to really enjoy being part of my life.
Alhamdullilah to having him as someone who had been there for almost many years with me.
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