Wednesday, August 5, 2015


Well he chose to avoid me then i must not stay.

At first i was in a dilemma. Hesitation got me thinking real deep. Adli for all i know was someone whom i had known just for a short while. I never took him seriously because all along he has been the flirtatious funny guy. He's the type that i'd make friends with. Someone whom i'll care for, jokes around with, being the most annoying people we could ever be. There were times our conversation turned out serious but sounds more playful to me!

I don't really know if he really had liked me but at that point of moment, i felt more being in a danger zone because having to have Taufiq and Saiful texting me, frankly saying i'm just friendly. It's so hard to shut stranger out unless they're the creepiest people i would ever want to know in my whole entire life.

At that point of moment, i had learnt to move on from having to think about crushes and one of them was Farhan. If it wasn't thanks to Taufiq, i wouldn't be where i am now; today. I became in need of his hugs, his passion and love for me. Someone who would date me even though i'd be the one bragging about other boys but i'm still here out and about with Taufiq. Who else would i feel comfortable with if it wasn't for Taufiq's presence. I'm grateful for God's gift.

The least is that i've managed myself to walk out from the fears i had - thinking about the consequences and aftermath of a relationship with your best friend whom you had known for almost 8 years now...

Somehow i feel sad because i've been literally shut off from Adli but that's okay. I guess i'll be fine. In the process of trying to get to know him as a friend, i didn't expect him to give me such messages about putting a stop to our friendship. I'm quite overwhelmed with his actions but well i can't force him to stay and make him talk to me as always. It's out of my control. In addition, i felt pointless if i tried talking around with him. Sometimes, he has to go when he has just got to go.

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